Inez Baturo (Poland) - artist photographer, curator, translator, publisher, editor. Born in 1966. Her photography focuses on the landscape.
Inez Baturo is the Co-founder and Vice-President of the Foundation Centre of Photography (2004 - 2017) serving as its president since 2017. She is also the program director for the FotoArtFestival of Bielsko-Biala, Poland.
She is the co-owner of the Baturo Publishing House (1991-2015).
Co-founder and co-curator the Gallery of Photography B&B in Bielsko-Biała (since 1992). A member of the Union of Polish Artists Photographers (ZPAF) since 1999. Vice-President of the Mountain Division of the Union of Polish Artists Photographers (2004-2008).
Inez Baturo is included in the publication - “Masters of Polish Landscape” and in the prestigious „Women`s History of Photography” by Naomi Rosenblum (Abbeville Press, Nowy York, 2009) and in "Donne & Fotografia" (Udine Musei, Italy 2018).