Download: VASA 2018 e-Catalog
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The 2018 e-Catalog may be viewed as a stand-alone publication on your computer or in interaction with the VASA project platform on the internet. To receive the full benefit for the e-Catalog design you will need to be online.
The VASA e-Catalog contains links to the exhibitions, film/videos, essays, and other materials on the VASA site.
To download an e-Catalog select (click on) it below.
2018 VASA e-Catalog Download
The VASA 2018 e-Catalog contains informaiton and direct links to 2017 exhibitions, Jounral on Images and Culture essays, Film/Video series and other material.
To download select the image or text below.
The VASA Project in an online center for media studies. The VASA mission is to provide an online platform for disseminating the work of theorist and image makers on an international scale. The VASA community shares an interest in media studies, photography, film/video and sound.
To meet its mission, VASA supports online curated exhibitions; film/video screenings; the Journal on Images and Culture; The VASA Front Page and other projects.
VASA Membership is free. Subscribe left.
The VASA Project was founded in July of 2009 and is directed by its founder Roberto Muffoletto.
VASA curators, editors, design and production team and contributors are all volunteers. VASA hosts no ads, is not supported by grants or sells anything.
VASA is a non-profit making organization.
vasa (at)
Roberto Muffoletto
roberto (at)
VASA Membership is free. Subscribe left.
International Team
Head Curators:
Rui Goncalves Cepeda (Portugal/England)
Igor Manko (Ukraine)Invited Curators:
Lara Ciarabellini (Italy/Brazil)
Andrea Motta (Greece)
Sinya Gur (Ukraine)
Paula Scamparini (Brazil)
Larry Chatman (USA)
Video/Film Series:
2017 Curators:
Miha Colner (Slovenia)
Carla Della Beffa (Italy)
Journal on Images and Culture:
Associate Editor: Rachel Zimmerman (USA)
Sándor Szilágyi (Hungary)
Dan Duda (USA)
Ione Manzali (Brazil)
Daniela Noitz (Austria)