Kharkiv School of Photography: Soviet Censorship to New Aesthetics:
Part 3 - Contemporary Photographers Exhibition 2
© Gera Artemova
Gera Artemova
Gera Artemova (b. 1973) is a Kiev-based graphic designer and art director. She became engaged with art photography in 2007 after attending photoschool in Kiev.
Artemova’s 2014 The Botanic Garden is, according to the artist, “an attempt to return to normal life, … to see the light and renewal after a hard winter, a kind of therapy” after the tragic 2014 winter and spring events in Ukraine. Sixteen I-Phone images, a cross between landscape and still life genres, adhere to formal beauty and compositional perfection while depicting almost abstract fragments of glasshouse structures and floral elements. “But disquieting images are lurking beyond an intimate pattern of plants, rays and drops of water,” the artist’s statement concludes.
View Portfolio: Botantic Garden
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