Livio Senigalliesi: Imagine No Heaven
© Livio Senigalliesi, Memories of a war reporter
Book video: 2 min. 03 seconds
The Book: Memories of a War Reporter
This book tells the life of a war reporter for 30 years on the front lines, from conflict to conflict. Blood, screams, explosions and fires but also heartfelt reflections stimulate the interest of the reader, awakening personal and collective memories through the story of the war and its consequences.
A strong book that reveals the news hidden by the mainstream media. Due to the facts and names reported, this volume was acquired by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (TPIJ).
The author states: "The camera is a useful tool to document the facts, but what gave me the strength to deal with so much pain has been empathy with the victims and the desperate search for the truth".
Book may be ordered through Blurb:
Primary Category: Action / Adventure
Additional Categories History, Biographies & Memoirs
Project Option: 5×8 in, 13×20 cm
# of Pages: 278
Isbn 9781714576289
Publish Date: Mar 20, 2020
Language English
Price Euro 29,49
Other books by Livio Senigalliesi
"Balkan" – Ed. Museo Ken Damy
"Kosovo, c'ero anch'io" - Ed. Rizzoli / Bur
"Vittime, storie di guerra sul fronte della pace" - Fazi Editore
"Balcani: la guerra in Europa. Memorie per l'educazione alla pace" - Ed. Cesvi
"Terra di Palestina" - Ed. Provincia di Salerno - Donne in nero - Assopace
"Caucaso" - Mazzotta Editore
"Rwanda: memories of the genocide" - Teatri 90 Editore
"Justicia y verdad" Ed. Rigoberta Menchù Tum Foundation - Guatemala City
"Dispacci dal fronte" published by EGA Libri - Reporter sans Frontieres – Italia
"Congo – Endless war" – Ed. COOPI
“Rotta balcanica” selfpublished book distributed by
“Memories of a war reporter” selfpublished book distributed by
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