Where Do We Go Now! Jane and Louise Wilson
© Jane and Louise Wilson 2010
About This Exhibition:
Where Do We Go Now! is a series of online exhibitions at VASA Project curated by Rui Goncalves Cepeda, which has been running from October 2013 and will end in September 2014. This programme is built around the subject of geography as a battleground between distinctive contemporary ideologies and contested territories.
The programme of exhibitions evolves around two key conditions: on the one hand, it addresses the dynamics of loss, of giving up, of moving away, and of being without as “a journey of phases in which the thought we are immersed in is invalidate”, borrowing from Prof. Irit Rogoff thoughts expressed in her essay What is a Theorist? (2006); whereas, on the other, this series inquires in to the contested territories of contemporary photography in a digital-democratising age, from being a visual medium for collective memory to issues about copyright and authorship, and on the limitations of photography in terms of narrative capacity.
The proposed photographical works, to be shown throughout the present period (October 2013 and August 2014) engage in narratives and stories that explore the authority of ‘geography’, as a body of knowledge with political implications in the age of global communication, to unravel the disruption of the social order in the public and private space.
In Atomgrad (Nature Abhors A Vacuum), Jane and Louise Wilson (b. 1967, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, lives and works in London) depict the ruins of the abandoned city of Pripyat (Ucrain), a death landscape that incorporates elements of exploration and sacrifice, motivated by the curiosity for places associated with death and destruction. The exhibition Where Do We Go Now! Part III: Jane and Louise Wilson, aims to give another perception and vision in to the relation between the dynamic of giving up and the idea of transition, while examining the concepts of temporality, spatiality, movement and memory.
Rui G. Cepeda
We welcome your comments. VASA Exhibitions are the result of various curators, artist, and photographers.