An exhibition by Gian Luca Groppi
© Gian Luca Groppi, Tribute to Rezso Seress
Exhibition Curator: Stefania Zorzi
>> The photographer's work may be accessed through the menu on the left.
VASA Exhibitions is presenting "TRIBUTO ALL’INESPRESSO " by Gian Luca GroippiEnglish
My life was enriched and accompanied by writers, thinkers, who had a strong influence on my growth.
I have long felt the need to pay homage to those who, among them, put an end to their existence ahead of time. So the need arose in me to research, collect, archive and transform, through meticulous research work, their history and their thoughts, creating new images for the present and the future.
Thus was born a series of symbolic portraits.Italian
La mia vita è stata arricchita e accompagnata da scrittori, pensatori, che hanno avuto una forte influenza sulla mia crescita. Da tempo sento il bisogno di rendere omaggio a coloro che, tra loro, hanno prematuramente posto fine alla propria esistenza. Nasce così in me l'esigenza di ricercare, raccogliere, archiviare e trasformare, attraverso un meticoloso lavoro di ricerca, la loro storia e il loro pensiero, creando nuove immagini per il presente e per il futuro. Nasce così una serie di ritratti simbolici.
>> Each photographer's work may be viewed through the menu to the left.
© Gian Luca Groppi,TributeTo Marina Cvetaeva
On VASA Exhibitions:
VASA, since 2008, has provided an international platform for individual and group exhibitions, collaborative exhibitions with various organizations and galleries and exhibitions that follow a particular theme or inquiry such as “Where Do We Go Now” curated by Rui Cepeda and the “Kharkiv School of Photography: Soviet Censorship to New Aesthetics” curated by Igor Manko and "Why??" curated by Sandeep Biswas.
VASA Exhibitions are international and multicultural. The curatorial team has strived to present work that not only represents the photographers but also the social, historical and cultural. As an online international project, VASA works to engage various digital tools. Video, as an example, not only offers the potential for the presentation of works, it provides the opportunity and framework for the voice of the author to be seen and heard. Through image, text, sound and animation, VASA works to expand the exhibition paradigm and provide a rich experience for the viewer (as well as the author).
VASA Exhibitions provides a viewing and research environment by archiving all of the exhibitions in their entirety. For example, the viewer may view a 2009 exhibition as it was presented and not just traces of its existence.
VASA Exhibitions (a program in VASA) includes images, videos and sound works.