VASA Global Photography Project
Stephen Perloff Fall 2012 & Spring 2013 Juror
Stephen Perloff image by © Judith Harold-Steinhauser
The Global Photography Project Juror
Stephen Perloff is the founder and editor of The Photo Review, a critical journal of international scope publishing since 1976, and editor of The Photograph Collector, the leading source of information on the photography art market.
He has curated more than a score of exhibitions, including "Philadelphia Past and Present" at the Philadelphia Art Alliance. He was the curator of the acclaimed series "Photography: Contemporary Prospect" at Historic Yellow Springs (1994–2001). And he curated the exhibition "Camera Work: A Centennial Celebration," at the James A. Michener Art Museum.
Other curated exhibitions includes: "Radical Vision: The Revolution in American Photography, 1945–1980" at the James A. Michener Art Museum; the retrospective exhibition "Andrea Baldeck: The Heart of the Matter" at the Moore College of Art, Philadelphia; and "Saving Face," an exhibition of portraits drawn from the collection of Robert Infarinato at the Michener. He was also the curator for the Woodmere Art Museum Photography Triennial. His current curatorial project is an exhibition of historic and contemporary photomontages to be held at the Michener Museum from January to April 2013.
VASA thanks Stephen for his contribution to this project.
For more information on the GPP project go to VASA's "Global Photography Project"
GPP 2012-13 Mentors: Dana LePoidevin, Michael Amrose, Randy Pellis, and VASA staff