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To celebrate the moving image VASA presents works from various paradigms and genres.The series is supported through the actions of the VASA community of volunteers.

Jestesmy w tym razem
We are in this together

In cooperation with the Polish Women Photographers group and VASA.

Special video screening in cooperation with the Polish Woman Photographers group and VASA.

Polish Women Photographers Website

English (Polish below)

Polish Women Photographers and Vasa Project are presenting a documentary on the current situation in Poland. On October 22 Polish Constitutional Court ruled a near-total ban on abortion. Since then crowds of women have been protesting against the decision that outlawed terminations on the grounds of severe health defects.

The decision means terminations are only valid
in cases of rape or incest, or to protect
the mother's life.

Abortion is a deeply divisive issue in Poland, which already had one of the strictest laws in Europe.

There are just over 1,000 legal abortions every year in Poland.
Almost all of them - 98% last year - have so far been carried out on grounds of severe foetal defect, which has now been ruled out as a valid reason.


Polish Women Photographers i Vasa Project prezentuja dokument dotyczacy biezacych  wydarzen w Polsce. 22 paz zdziernika Polski Trybunal Konstytucyjny wydal orzeczenie o niemalze calkowitym zakazie aborcji. Od tamtej pory tlumy kobiet protestuja przeciwko decyzji, ktora uniemozliwia terminacje z przeslanki ciezkich uszkodzen plodu.

Orzeczenie Trybunalu oznacza, ze przerywanie ciazy bedzie legalne wylacznie w sytuacji, gdy ciaza pochodzi z gwaltu, kazirodztwa, lub zagraza zyciu kobiety.

Poglady na aborcje dziela spoleczenstwo polskie, choc obowiazujace prawo jest jednym z najsurowszych w Europie.

W Polsce dokonuje sie niewiele ponad 1 000 legalnych aborcji rocznie. Prawie wszystkie - 98% w ubieglym roku - byly wykonane z przeslanki ciezkiego uszkodzenia plodu, ktora to przeslanka obecnie zostala uznana za niekonstytucyjna.

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© Sylwia Penc /Forum





VASA is an online center for media studies
with a focus on photography and digital media arts.

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