Markus Hippmann
© Markus Hippmann
FREUDE DURCH TANZ - Eine Aneignung
Der Fotograf Markus Hippmann widmet seine Fotoserie „Freude durch Tanz“ der Aneignung
des Körperkults der 30er Jahre durch eine Gruppe junger selbstbewusster TänzerInnen mit
Down-Syndrom, die regelmäßig im Wiener Verein „Ich bin O.K.“ tanzen und ihrer Lebensfreude
durchs Tanzen Ausdruck verleihen. Mit seinen Fotos imitiert Markus Hippmann den
heroisierenden Stil der Fotografien von Leni Riefenstahl und zeigt damit, dass Menschen mit
Down-Syndrom genauso heldenhaft dargestellt werden können und genauso einzigartig sind
wie jede/r andere auch. Bewundernd schaut der Fotograf dabei durch seine Kamera zu den
jungen TänzerInnen auf, die beim Tanzen so viel Freude und Ausdruckskraft vermitteln.
JOY THROUGH DANCE – An appropriation
Photographer Markus Hippmann dedicates his photo series "joy through dance" to the appropriation of the body cult of the 30s by a group of young self-confident dancers with Down syndrome who dance regularly at the Vienna club "I am OK" and express their joie de vivre through dancing. With his photos Markus Hippmann imitates the heroic style of photographs of Leni Riefenstahl showing that people with Down syndrome can be represented equally heroic and are as unique like everyone else. Admiring the photographer looks up through his camera to the young dancers who convey so much joy and expressiveness by dancing.
Interview with Markus Hippmann (6 January 2016)
On VASA Exhibitions:
VASA Exhibitions over the years have provided a platform for individual and group exhibitions, collaborative exhibitions with various organizations and galleries and exhibitions that follow a particular theme or inquiry such as “Where Do We Go Now!” curated by Rui Cepeda and the “Kharkiv School of Photography: Soviet Censorship to New Aesthetics” curated by Igor Manko.
VASA Exhibitions are international and multicultural. The curatorial team has strived to present work that not only represents the photographers but also the social, historical and cultural. As an online international project. VASA works to engage various digital tools. Video, as an example, not only offers the potential for the presentation of works, it provides the opportunity and framework for the voice of the author to be seen and heard. Through image, text, sound and animation, VASA works to expand the exhibition paradigm and provide a rich experience for the viewer (as well as the author).
VASA Exhibitions provides a viewing and research environment by archiving all of the exhibitions in their entirety. For example, the viewer may view a 2009 exhibition as it was presented and not just traces of its existence.
VASA Exhibitions includes video and video series, and sound works.